Sunday, August 3, 2008

Things I hate and the reasons I hate them:

1) People protesting the Olympics.
You have had your entire life to protest China's actions. You could boycott the Nike Shocks made there, or not buy the Apple laptop you desire so much, quit drinking Coke, or stop wearing those Fruit of the Loom undies you like so much. No, the fact of the matter is you don't actually care about Tibet or China's atrocities. You are jumping on the most recent fad, and in doing so you are not hindering China's strength only mocking the efforts of American athletes who have made it their life goal to succeed in this venue.

2) BMW, Lexus, Mercedes
Get over it, it’s just a car.

3) People who claim The Dark Knight/The Godfather sucks
You’re an idiot and don't deserve life. The Godfather is the greatest movie of all time. The Dark Knight has proved to the world that superhero movies can actually be Oscar worthy films.

4) Young Liberals-Democrats/Hippies
Let me say first I do not hate true democrats. The Democratic Party has many great people, ideals, and causes. What I do hate are the people who get sucked into fads (in much the same way I hate the Olympic protesters). When I am present in a group of my peers I am almost always outnumbered 10:1 politically speaking. There are almost always numerous outbursts of "Bush sucks" or "Fuck Bush". I ask them why they hate Bush and the answer 95% of the time is simply "The guys an idiot". It’s fine if you hate Bush. Really it is. Most Republicans hate him. He has sullied our good name. But people, if you don't have a reason you end up sounding foolish. "He lied to us" works, so does "he brought us into an economic recession". But the fact of the matter is most of these people are just saying it because they heard that Kanye West hates Bush. I recently spoke with a girl that was head of her Young Democrats group at a local University. I asked her why she was voting for Obama. She said because she liked him. I asked her why she liked him, and she could not give me an answer. Vote for who you like people, but know something about them when you do! Similar to these people are the neo-hippies. They wear tie-dye shirts. They have dirty hair, I mean dread locks. They smoke weed and do drugs. Are they hippies? No. Sorry. You are just stoners. The Hippie movement actually had a goal. Even if it was idealistic and mostly unsuccessful, they had a point. These neo-hippies have two goals; get high and play guitar hero.

5) Oil Companies
Does this need an explanation?

6) AM Radio
Some of the stations are alright, but come on people, I can't deal with static!

7) Starbucks
Atmosphere. People. Employees. Product. It needs to end.

8) The people responsible for Remember the Spartans, Disaster Movie, Date Movie, etc.
Did you know film use to be an art? Its true. I read that before I was alive there was this movement to put poetry in these moving images. Really! I swear. I heard that directors like Akira Kurosawa, John Ford, Alfred Hitchcock, and Charlie Chaplin (yes the silent guy with the mustache, watch The Great Dictator) could make viewers feel true emotions. I heard that some actors would even turn down a role they didn't like, regardless of the pay offered.

That is it for now. Thanks for reading!

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