Friday, August 1, 2008


So faithful readers this is my first step into the world of blogging. I suppose I am setting this up now for I am bored and have nothing better to do than this. That is not entirely true, but it will suffice for my explanation.

I have opinions on most everything and I plan on having random articles (rants?) about whatever pisses me off, disgusts me, impresses me, etc. I doubt many people will read it, but I hope it will be a nice way to vent, and at the very least give my friends something to do whilst they are bored.

This being my first entry I think I will start off a little light.

Why does everyone suck at driving? I mean don’t get me wrong, I know that there are some good drivers out there but about 85% of people should not have their license. I drive into Boston every morning so I see the worst of the worst on a daily basis. It is horrible.

What we competent drivers who know the true rules of the road need to do is team up. We need to unite our efforts and teach the fools a few lessons.

1) Merging: It is not a battle of machismo to see who backs down first. There is an actual method to it people!! If you are one of the two lanes merging, what you do is alternate cars. So, car from Lane A, then car from Lane B. I know it is a crazy concept but if we could just manage to do that I would get to work in 20 minutes instead of an hour and five.

2) Blinkers: (This may be strictly a Mass rule) When the person puts their blinker on to come into your lane don’t speed up. I do not know why you do it mister F-150, but really? Is there a need? Will my being in front of you really delay your trip so much that you are willing to kill the both of us?

3) The “passing/fast” lane: Is for going fast. If you are driving the speed limit, pass the person you need to then get the hell out of the fast lane.

4) Cops/accidents: When you see an accident ask yourself one question. Do they need help? If yes, by all means pull over and assist. If no, GO! Don’t sit there and gawk causing hours of traffic miles back. Furthermore, if you see a cop on the side of the road, you aren’t tricking him by slamming on the break to go the speed limit. As long as you aren’t driving like a knucklehead you should be fine.

5) Courteous: If you can safely help someone out while driving do it. i.e. letting a person turn onto the road in front of you. If you are going 60mph down 24 south and stop suddenly to let the onramp people on you are probably going to kill a person. (I am looking at you black Nissan with RI plates.)

Well people those are my rules and my first rant. Comment away and let me know what you think. I may be back today with something else, but more than likely tomorrow!

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